Shopify Plus
Digital Marketing
Maximising Revenue with Shopify Checkout Extensibility
July 18, 2024

What is Checkout Extensibility?

Checkout extensibility allows you to customise and enhance the checkout beyond the default functionalities and tailor the checkout experience to their specific needs.

Key features include: 

  • Custom scripts and apps to modify checkout behaviour 
  • Customisable checkout fields
  • Integration with third - party services
  • Enhanced payment and shipping options

Applying Checkout extensibility to increase revenue and profit

Upselling & cross selling

  • Implementing custom upsell and cross - sell offers and checkout 
  • Example: suggesting complementary products or higher tier options 

Dynamic pricing & discounts

  • Creating personalised codes and promotions
  • Real - time dynamic adjustments based on cart contents or customer - segments 

Post purchase 

  • Enhanced tracking and targeting for abandoned cart emails 
  • Personalised follow - up offers to encourage purchase completion 

Loyalty programmes 

  • Integrating loyalty rewards and points redemption directly in checkout 
  • Encouraging repeat purchases through personalised loyalty incentives

Example of Checkout Upsell:

Handle complex requirements within the checkout 

Custom checkout fields

  • Adding custom field to capture additional information from customer
  • Example: gift message, delivery dates, PO numbers, custom product options

Conditional Logic

  • Implementing conditional logic to show or hide fields based on user input
  • Example: Displaying specific shipping options based on delivery address or cart contents

Self - hosted & Third Party integrations

  • Seamless integration with third - party services such as tax calculation, custom address lookup, fraud detection or advanced shipping solutions


  • Ensuring checkout complies with local laws and regulations (e.g. GDPR, ADA, VAT exemptions)

Example of Conditional Logic:

How checkout extensibility impacts tagging/tracking 

Enhanced data collection 

  • Using custom fields and scripts to collect additional customer data at checkout
  • Example: Capturing detailed attribution data or customer preferences. This is useful for enhanced conversions, new customers tracking and profit tracking.

Advanced tracking capabilities 

  • Implementing advanced tracking solutions to monitor customer behaviour through checkout.
  • Integration with analytics platforms like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel or customer tracking solutions

Improved Attribution

  • Better tracking of the customer journey from entry to conversion 
  • Example: Multi - touch attribution models to understand the impact of various marketing efforts

Personalised Marketing

  • Leveraging checkout data for more personalised and effective marketing campaigns 
  • Example: segmenting customers based on the checkout behaviour tailoring follow - up communications

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